Class TLcdOGCWMSDimensionWrapper


public class TLcdOGCWMSDimensionWrapper extends Object
Represents a dimensional parameter to be used in requests towards an OGC Web Map Service.

When you have decoded a WMS model through TLcdOGCWMSProxyModelDecoder, the ALcdWMSProxy object inside the model is used to configure a list of WMS layers to be requested. If one or more layers define a dimensional parameter (see ALcdOGCWMSDimension, the user can supply a dimension value for that parameter inside requests. To register such a dimension value, a TLcdOGCWMSDimensionWrapper has to be created and supplied to the method ALcdWMSProxy.addDimension(TLcdOGCWMSDimensionWrapper). The ALcdWMSProxy object uses this information to generate the dimension parameter(s) in GetMap or GetFeatureInfo requests.

This class holds a reference to a dimension definition that has been published for a WMS layer, represented by a ALcdOGCWMSDimension, and the user-defined extent (i.e., the value(s) or interval(s) to be submitted), represented by a TLcdOGCWMSDimensionExtent.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOGCWMSDimensionWrapper

      public TLcdOGCWMSDimensionWrapper(ALcdOGCWMSDimension aDimension, TLcdOGCWMSDimensionExtent aDimensionExtent)
      Creates a new TLcdOGCWMSDimensionWrapper with the given dimension definition and the user-defined dimension extent. This extent represents the value(s) or interval(s) to be used for the dimension in requests.
      aDimension - A dimension published for a WMS layer.
      aDimensionExtent - A user-defined extent for the specified dimension.
  • Method Details

    • getDimension

      public ALcdOGCWMSDimension getDimension()
      Returns the dimension definition for which this class registers user-defined input.
      the dimension definition.
    • getDimensionExtent

      public TLcdOGCWMSDimensionExtent getDimensionExtent()
      Returns the extent for the dimension, representing the value(s) or interval(s) to be used inside requests for the dimension returned by getDimension().
      the extent for the dimension.