Class TLcdVVWithControllersJPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public class TLcdVVWithControllersJPanel extends JPanel
Convenience JPanel that combines a vertical view with a set of controllers.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdVVWithControllersJPanel

      public TLcdVVWithControllersJPanel(TLcdVVJPanel aVV)
      Creates a new controller panel containing the given vertical view and all available controllers.
      aVV - the vertical view
    • TLcdVVWithControllersJPanel

      public TLcdVVWithControllersJPanel(TLcdVVJPanel aVV, int aOptionCombination)
      Creates a new controller panel containing the given vertical view and the given controllers.
      aVV - the vertical view
      aOptionCombination - a logical combination (using the | operator) containing one or more of LEFT_RIGHT_OFFSET, TOP_BOTTOM_OFFSET, or START_END
  • Method Details

    • getAltitudeRangeSliderPanel

      public TLcdVVAltitudeRangeSliderJPanel getAltitudeRangeSliderPanel()
      Retrieves the controller for the top (or bottom) offset of the vertical view.
      the controller for the top (or bottom) offset of the vertical view, or null if it is not configured
    • getStartEndIndexSlider

      public TLcdVVStartEndIndexJSlider getStartEndIndexSlider()
      Retrieves the controller for the starting and the ending point of the vertical view.
      the controller for the starting and the ending point, or null if it is not configured
    • getLeftRightOffsetRangeSliderPanel

      public TLcdVVLeftRightOffsetRangeSliderJPanel getLeftRightOffsetRangeSliderPanel()
      Retrieves the controller for the left and right offset of the vertical view.
      the controller for the left and right offset, or null if it is not configured
    • getVerticalView

      public TLcdVVJPanel getVerticalView()
      Retrieves the vertical view the panel is controlling.
      the vertical view the panel is controlling