Class TLcdBalloonGUIFactory


public class TLcdBalloonGUIFactory extends Object

This is the main GUI factory for balloons. Protected class methods can be overridden to customize the generic content of balloons.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdBalloonGUIFactory

      public TLcdBalloonGUIFactory()
      Creates a TLcdBalloonGUIFactory.
  • Method Details

    • createCloseComponent

      protected JComponent createCloseComponent(ALcdBalloonManager aBalloonManager, JComponent aBalloonContent)

      Creates a component that represents the close component of a balloon. It doesn't need to perform any action when clicked. It could for example return a JLabel. Return null to avoid having it.

      aBalloonManager - The balloon manager, provided as contextual information. Never null.
      aBalloonContent - The balloon content, provided as contextual information. Never null.
      A close component, can be null.
    • createResizeComponent

      protected JComponent createResizeComponent(ALcdBalloonManager aBalloonManager, JComponent aBalloonContent)

      Creates a resize component that can be dragged to change the balloon size. It doesn't need to perform any operations when dragged. It could for example return a JLabel. Return null to avoid having it.

      aBalloonManager - The balloon manager, provided as contextual information. Never null.
      aBalloonContent - The balloon content, provided as contextual information. Never null.
      A resize component, can be null.
    • createBorder

      protected Border createBorder(ALcdBalloonManager aBalloonManager, JComponent aBalloonContent)
      Creates a border for the balloon, given the balloon content. Return null to avoid having a border.
      aBalloonManager - The balloon manager, provided as contextual information. Never null.
      aBalloonContent - The balloon content, provided as contextual information. Never null.
      A Border, can be null.