Class TLcdUTMUtil


public class TLcdUTMUtil extends Object
A utility class that can be used to format and parse lon lat points to/from a UTM String.

An example of a UTM String is "17T 630084 4833438". This String has the following component :

  • The UTM zone number. In the example String this is "17".
  • A latitude letter. Because each easting, northing and zone combination describes two possible positions, extra information needs to be supplied to make a distinction between them. Normally, a letter describing the hemisphere ('N' or 'S')is sufficient, but often the latitude band letter is provided instead. This class offers both possibilities (setUseLatitudeBandDesignator(boolean)). In the example String, the latitude band letter "T" is used.
  • The easting, in meters.
  • The northing, in meters.
There should always be a space between the latitude letter and the easting, and between the easting and the northing.

Note : The UTM Strings formatted and parsed by this class are no UTM Mgrs Strings. To format or parse UTM Mgrs Strings, see TLcdUtmMgrsUtil.

  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a new TLcdUTMUtil instance that uses the WGS_84 ellipsoid for its calculations.
    Creates a new TLcdUTMUtil instance that uses the given ellipsoid for its calculations.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the number of digits used to format a UTM String.
    Returns the character to separate the zone/grid letters and the coordinates.
    Returns if the latitude band designator is used to make sure each grid position is defined uniquely.
    lonLat2Utm(ILcdPoint aLonLatPoint)
    This method converts the given lon lat point to a UTM String.
    setNumberOfDigits(int aNumberOfDigits)
    Sets the number of digits used to format a UTM String.
    setUseLatitudeBandDesignator(boolean aUseLatitudeBandDesignator)
    Set to true to use a latitude band designator to make sure that each grid position is defined uniquely.
    setUTMCoordinateSeparator(char aUTMCoordinateSeparator)
    Set the character to separate the zone/grid letters and the coordinates and between the coordinates.
    utm2LonLat(String aUtmString, ILcd2DEditablePoint a2DPointSFCT)
    Finds the geodetic coordinate associated with the given UTM formatted string.
    utmXY2Utm(double aEasting, double aNorthing, int aZone, boolean aNorthernHemisphere)
    Converts an utm point into UTM format coordinates.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdUTMUtil

      public TLcdUTMUtil()
      Creates a new TLcdUTMUtil instance that uses the WGS_84 ellipsoid for its calculations.
    • TLcdUTMUtil

      public TLcdUTMUtil(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid)
      Creates a new TLcdUTMUtil instance that uses the given ellipsoid for its calculations.
      aEllipsoid - a given ellipsoid.
  • Method Details

    • isUseLatitudeBandDesignator

      public boolean isUseLatitudeBandDesignator()
      Returns if the latitude band designator is used to make sure each grid position is defined uniquely.
      if the latitude band designator is used to make sure each grid position is defined uniquely.
    • setUseLatitudeBandDesignator

      public void setUseLatitudeBandDesignator(boolean aUseLatitudeBandDesignator)
      Set to true to use a latitude band designator to make sure that each grid position is defined uniquely. Set to false to use a hemisphere designator ('S' or 'N').

      This value is set to true by default.

      aUseLatitudeBandDesignator - true to use a latitude band designator, false to use a hemisphere designator.
    • getUTMCoordinateSeparator

      public char getUTMCoordinateSeparator()
      Returns the character to separate the zone/grid letters and the coordinates.
      the character to separate the zone/grid letters and the coordinates.
      See Also:
    • setUTMCoordinateSeparator

      public void setUTMCoordinateSeparator(char aUTMCoordinateSeparator)
      Set the character to separate the zone/grid letters and the coordinates and between the coordinates. Set the value 0 (not the character '0') to have no spaces between the zone and the coordinates.

      By default, the coordinate separator is ' ' (a space).

      aUTMCoordinateSeparator - the character to separate the zone/grid letters and the coordinates and between the coordinates.
      See Also:
    • getNumberOfDigits

      public int getNumberOfDigits()
      Returns the number of digits used to format a UTM String.
      the number of digits used to format a UTM String.
      See Also:
    • setNumberOfDigits

      public void setNumberOfDigits(int aNumberOfDigits)
      Sets the number of digits used to format a UTM String. When the number of digits used is 7, the String has a precision of 1m. When the number of digits used is 6, the precision is 10m, etc...

      By default, no fixed number of digits is used. E.g.

      • When not calling this method, a point will be formatted as "17T 630084 4833438"
      • When calling this method with a number of digits 7, the same point will be formatted as "17T 0630084 4833438"
      • When calling this method with a number of digits 4, the same point will be formatted as "17T 0630 4833"
      aNumberOfDigits - the number of digits used to format a String.
    • lonLat2Utm

      public String lonLat2Utm(ILcdPoint aLonLatPoint) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      This method converts the given lon lat point to a UTM String.
      aLonLatPoint - a lon lat point.
      an UTM String.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - when the given point is outside the UTM bounds.
    • utm2LonLat

      public void utm2LonLat(String aUtmString, ILcd2DEditablePoint a2DPointSFCT) throws ParseException
      Finds the geodetic coordinate associated with the given UTM formatted string.
      aUtmString - a UTM formatted string.
      a2DPointSFCT - a geodetic point that will be set to the coordinates of the given String
      ParseException - if aUtmString is not a valid UTM String.
    • utmXY2Utm

      public String utmXY2Utm(double aEasting, double aNorthing, int aZone, boolean aNorthernHemisphere) throws TLcdOutOfBoundsException
      Converts an utm point into UTM format coordinates.

      See lonLat2Utm for more information.

      aEasting - the easting
      aNorthing - the northing
      aZone - the utm zone
      aNorthernHemisphere - true if the given point lies in the northern hemisphere.
      a String representing the coordinates in UTM format coordinates.
      TLcdOutOfBoundsException - if the coordinate is outside the valid area of the UTM projection.
      See Also: