Class TLcdSetProjectionAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdAction, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, ActionListener, Serializable, EventListener

public class TLcdSetProjectionAction extends ALcdAction
use the SetProjectionAction provided in the projection sample
When triggered (actionPerformed method), this ILcdAction will set a given ILcdProjection to a given ILcdGXYView (both are given in the constructor).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • actionPerformed

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent aActionEvent)
      This method will, given an ActionEvent aActionEvent, set the property of XYWorldReference of the ILcdGXYView of this TLcdSetProjectionAction to to the ILcdProjection of this TLcdSetProjectionAction. It tries to adjust the ILcdProjection of this action to fit as much as possible to the ILcdProjection currently active in the ILcdGXYView.

      For example, consider that the ILcdprojection of the ILcdGXYView is currently a ILcdCylindrical which central meridian is lon = 50degrees, and consider the ILcdProjection of this action is a ILcdAzimuthal. It means that this action will replace the current ILcdCylindrical projection of the ILcdGXYView by a ILcdAzimuthal projection. We would like that the lon attribute of the ILcdCylindrical projection to be 50degrees also.

    • adjustMyProjection

      protected void adjustMyProjection()
      This method gets the ILcdProjection of the ILcdGXYView passed in the constructor method, and tries to adjust the ILcdProjection of this action to fit as much as possible to the ILcdProjection currently active in the ILcdGXYView.

      For example, consider that the ILcdprojection of the ILcdGXYView is currently a ILcdCylindrical which central meridian is lon = 50degrees, and consider the ILcdProjection of this action is a ILcdAzimuthal. It means that this action will replace the current ILcdCylindrical projection of the ILcdGXYView by a ILcdAzimuthal projection. We would like that the lon attribute of the ILcdCylindrical projection to be 50degrees also. This method will be called in the actionPerformed method just before setting this action ILcdprojection to its ILcdGXYView.