Class TLspCustomizableStyler

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILspCustomizableStyler, ILspStyler

public class TLspCustomizableStyler extends ALspCustomizableStyler

Default implementation of ILspCustomizableStyler. When asked to specify styling for any object, it will use all the enabled styles contained in getStyles().

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLspCustomizableStyler

      public TLspCustomizableStyler(ALspStyle... aStyles)

      Create an ILspStyler which will set all instances in aStyles as style to every object passed in its ILspStyler#style method.

      aStyles - The styles to use. Can be customized later on by using the getStyles() method.
    • TLspCustomizableStyler

      public TLspCustomizableStyler(TLspCustomizableStyle... aCustomizableStyles)

      Create an ILspStyler which will set all style instances in aCustomizableStyles as style to every object passed in its ILspStyler#style method.

      aCustomizableStyles - The styles to use.
    • TLspCustomizableStyler

      public TLspCustomizableStyler(Map<? extends ALspStyleTargetProvider,? extends Collection<TLspCustomizableStyle>> aCustomizableStyles)

      Create an ILspStyler which will set all style instances and the corresponding ALspStyleTargetProvider in aCustomizableStyles as style to every object passed in its ILspStyler#style method.

      aCustomizableStyles - A map of style target providers and the corresponding styles to use.
  • Method Details

    • style

      public void style(Collection<?> aObjects, ALspStyleCollector aStyleCollector, TLspContext aContext)
      Description copied from interface: ILspStyler

      Styles the objects or labels contained in aObjects using the methods provided by ALspStyleCollector.

      Example usages for object styling:

       // Same style for all objects:
       // Object specific styling:

      Example usages for label styling:

       if (aStyleCollector instanceof ALspLabelStyleCollector) {
         ALspLabelStyleCollector labelStyleCollector = (ALspLabelStyleCollector)aStyleCollector;
         // Specify a priority for all labels of all objects:
         // Specify an algorithm for a specific label:

      The objects that are provided to aStyleCollector must be objects that are contained in aObjects. Note that not all objects have to be styled. Objects that are not submitted in aStyleCollector will not be painted.

      This method can be called very frequently, depending on the (amount of) data. If this method is not implemented efficiently, painting performance may be affected.

      aObjects - The objects to be styled.
      aStyleCollector - A style collector to which all styling information should be passed, this collector is only valid within this method call, and can no longer be used afterwards.
      aContext - Provides context information that may affect styling, such as view specific properties.
    • getStyles

      public Collection<TLspCustomizableStyle> getStyles()
      Description copied from interface: ILspCustomizableStyler

      Returns the styler's customizable styles. When modifications are made to the styles, the styler will automatically inform its listeners about the change. The following changes can be made:

      • Styles can be enabled or disabled. Only the enabled styles will be set in the style method.
      • The ALspStyle in the TLspCustomizableStyle may be replaced
      The collection is not ordered, but you can use the identifier of the TLspCustomizableStyle to recognize and order the styles.
      An immutable collection containing all styles which will be set in the style method