Interface ILspElementArray

public interface ILspElementArray
Represents the array of indices that are used to describe the elements of an indexed vertex array.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a buffer containing the indices of this element array.
    Returns the primitive type that is associated to this element array.
    Returns the number of indices contained by this element array.
  • Method Details

    • getData

      IntBuffer[] getData()
      Returns a buffer containing the indices of this element array.
      a buffer containing the indices of this element array
    • getSize

      int[] getSize()
      Returns the number of indices contained by this element array.
      the number of indices contained by this element array
    • getPrimitiveType

      TLspPrimitiveType getPrimitiveType()
      Returns the primitive type that is associated to this element array.

      The primitive type indicates how the indices are organized. E.g. if the type would be TRIANGLES, every three consecutive indices would point to a vertex in a vertex array, and the three resulting vertices would then form a triangle.

      the primitive type that is associated to this element array