
Support for various global graphics effects in an ILspView. Examples of such effects include lighting and fog.

Each ILspView has an instance of TLspGraphicsEffects, which is available via TLspViewServices. TLspGraphicsEffects serves as a central repository for ALspGraphicsEffect objects, which describe the effects that should be applied in the view. It is up to layers and painters to translate the requested effects into actual OpenGL rendering code; this package does not implement or dictate how an effect should be applied to a particular layer.

The most important category of effects is lighting. This package describes ambient and directional light sources. The latter can be either a stationary light or a camera-relative light.

Note that TLspViewBuilder.defaultEffects() can be used as a convenient way to add a default lighting and fog setup to any view.

  • Classes
    Base class for directional light sources.
    Describes a global graphics effect applicable to an ILspView.
    Base class for light sources.
    Defines ambient light, a light of fixed intensity which affects all objects equally.
    Graphics effect which adds a sky/atmosphere background to a 3D view.
    A directional light with a user-specified direction vector.
    Graphics effect which enables fog in a 3D view.
    A central registry for global graphics effects in an ILspView.
    A directional light source which automatically follows the orientation of the viewer.