Interface ILspImageProjector

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILspImageProjector
Defines a projector used by an ILspImageProjectionLayer. A projector can be thought of (as its name implies) as a virtual slide projector, which is positioned somewhere in the world and casts an image in a certain direction.

The projector is defined by the following parameters:

  • Eye point: the position of the projector in the world;
  • Reference point: a point at which the projector is pointed;
  • Up vector: a normalized vector, relative to the eye point, which defines the "up" direction in the projector's local coordinate frame (i.e. which determines the projector's roll angle around its line of sight axis);
  • Aspect ratio: the ratio of the projected image's width and height;
  • Field of view: the projector's vertical field of view angle;
  • Range: the maximum distance from the eye point to which the projector's image should be cast.
Note that all parameters are specified in model coordinates.
  • Method Details

    • getEyePoint

      ILcdPoint getEyePoint()
      Returns the projector's eye point. This is position of the projector in the world.
      the projector's eye point
    • getReferencePoint

      ILcdPoint getReferencePoint()
      Returns the projector's reference point. This is the point at which the projector is pointed.
      the projector's reference point
    • getUpVector

      ILcdPoint getUpVector()
      Returns the projector's up vector. This is a normalized vector, relative to the eye point, which defines the "up" direction in the projector's local coordinate frame (i.e. which determines the projector's roll angle around its line of sight axis).
      the projector's up vector
    • getAspectRatio

      double getAspectRatio()
      Returns the projector's aspect ratio. This is the ratio of the projected image's width and height.
      the projector's aspect ratio
    • getFieldOfView

      double getFieldOfView()
      Returns the projector's vertical field of view, in degrees.
      the projector's vertical field of view
    • getRange

      double getRange()
      Returns the projector's distance range. This is the maximum distance from the eye point to which the projector's image should be cast. The projector's image will not be visible beyond this distance.
      the projector's distance range