Interface ILspLabelPlacer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILspLabelPlacer

This interface defines methods to retrieve and manipulate label locations. Its main methods are placeLabels and getLabelLocations. The first of these methods is used to execute or schedule a placement, which will assign label locations to labels in the view. The second method can be used to retrieve or modify these label locations.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Frees resources and tasks associated with this placer.
    Returns the label locations object.
    Indicates whether all calls to placeLabels() are completely processed or not.
    Place the labels for the associated view.
  • Method Details

    • placeLabels

      void placeLabels()

      Place the labels for the associated view. In this method label placement and label decluttering can be performed.

      It is advised to perform the actual work asynchronously, and have this method simply schedule a placement cycle. This is not mandatory however.

      You can use isFinished() at any time to determine if this call is completely processed.

    • getLabelLocations

      ALspLabelLocations getLabelLocations()
      Returns the label locations object. This object contains all information on the locations of a label.
      the label locations object.
    • destroy

      void destroy()
      Frees resources and tasks associated with this placer. The placer must not be used anymore after this method has been called.
    • isFinished

      boolean isFinished()
      Indicates whether all calls to placeLabels() are completely processed or not.
      true if there is no placement busy or scheduled, false otherwise.