Class TLcdGXYLayerTree

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, Scrollable

public class TLcdGXYLayerTree extends TLcdLayerTree

An extension of TLcdLayerTree, with a constructor which takes an ILcdGXYView as argument. This tree is capable of dealing with GYXLayers (both synchronous and asynchronous ones).

The same assumptions as in the TLcdLayerTree are made for this class. Objects present in the tree model are:

  • Unique, they are only used once in the tree model
  • Never change, e.g. if the tree model is reorganized, it is ok to look at the object instances to know what went where.

Note that these assumptions hold when using TLcdLayerTreeModel or TLcdFlatListTreeModel.

For performance reasons, it also sets large model to true, which means all rows should have equal height. If a cell renderer is used that has different row heights for different values, this property must be set to false. This assumption is ok in combination with for example a TLcdLayerTreeNodeCellRenderer.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGXYLayerTree

      public TLcdGXYLayerTree(ILcdGXYView aView)

      Create a new tree set up to render the layer tree structure of the ILcdGXYView aView. A TreeModel, representing the hierarchical layer structure of the view, and an adjusted TreeCellRenderer are set on the tree.

      aView - the ILcdGXYView containing all the layers
      See Also: