Uses of Package

This package contains the class TLcdAIXM51GXYPainterEditorProvider, which can be used as a (label) painter provider and (label) editor provider to visualize and/or edit AIXM 5.1 data.
This package contains classes that can be used to implement labeling in Lucy.
Conversion of SLD Feature Type Style model into ILcdGXYPainter/ILcdGXYLabelPainter implementations which can be used in an ILcdGXYView.
Handles the labeling of realtime data for GXY layers.
Provides two-dimensional views and components supporting the visualization of the former's representation.
Provides layer-specific asynchronous painting.
Handles GXY view label placers and GXY labeling algorithms.
Handles GXY labeling algorithms.
Handles discrete placements labeling algorithms.
Provides support for visualizing ILcdGXYLayer instances in an ILspView.