Interface ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer.ViewLabelPlacerCallback

Enclosing interface:

public static interface ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer.ViewLabelPlacerCallback
A callback interface used by ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer. This callback is used to report that labels were updated by the view label placer or that the label placing process was ended. Methods of this callback interface should always be called on the AWT thread.
  • Method Details

    • labelPlacingUpdated

      void labelPlacingUpdated()
      Called when the ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer has updated the labels. This method is typically used to signal that intermediate results are available. When this method is called, it doesn't necessarily mean that label placing has ended (e.g when asynchronous label placing is used). So it is possible that it is called multiple times before labelPlacingEnded() is called.
    • labelPlacingEnded

      void labelPlacingEnded()
      Called when the ILcdGXYViewLabelPlacer has finished updating the labels.