Class TLcdGXYNavigateControllerModel


public class TLcdGXYNavigateControllerModel extends Object

Controller model to create navigation controllers for an ILcdGXYView.

The transformation which is applied on the view is based on the location of two distinct input points. When applying the rotation, scaling and translate operation on the view, the view will follow those input points. For example, when the first input point is set on location A of the view, and the second input point is set on location B of the view, moving the input points to a new location on screen will move A and B to the same new locations. Hence A remains always under the first input point, while B remains under the second input point.

It is possible to only apply certain parts of the transformation. Each transformation is composed of a rotation, scaling and translation. The transform method allows to specify which parts of the transformation should be applied. Only when all three operations are applied, the view will follow the input points completely.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGXYNavigateControllerModel

      public TLcdGXYNavigateControllerModel()
  • Method Details

    • transform

      public boolean transform(ILcdGXYView aGXYView, List<Point> aPreviousAWTPoints, List<Point> aCurrentAWTPoints, boolean aShouldRotate, boolean aShouldScale, boolean aShouldTranslate)
      Transform the view, based on the input points.
      aGXYView - The view. The view must implement ILcdRotationCapableGXYView in order to be rotated. If aGXYView does not implement this interface, no rotation will be applied, independent of the aShouldRotate parameter
      aPreviousAWTPoints - List containing the original location in view AWT coordinates of the two input points. The List must have a length of 2, both points should have a different location and they must not be null. The order of the points must be the same as the order in aCurrentAWTPoints, e.g. the first point in aPreviousAWTPoints is moved to the location specified as the first point in aCurrentAWTPoints. The points may remain stationary, e.g. it is not needed that the point in aPreviousAWTPoints and the corresponding point in aCurrentAWTPoints have a different location.
      aCurrentAWTPoints - List containing the location in view AWT coordinates of the two input points after the transformation. The List must have a length of 2, both points should have a different location and they must not be null. The order of the points must be the same as the order in aPreviousAWTPoints, e.g. the first point aPreviousAWTPoints is moved to the location specified as the first point in aCurrentAWTPoints. The points may remain stationary, e.g. it is not needed that the point in aPreviousAWTPoints and the corresponding point in aCurrentAWTPoints have a different location.
      aShouldRotate - true when the rotation part of the transformation should be applied
      aShouldScale - true when the scaling part of the transformation should be applied
      aShouldTranslate - true when the translation part of the transformation should be applied
      true when the transformation was applied successfully, false when the conditions are not met.