Class TLcdGXYFitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds


public class TLcdGXYFitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds extends Object
When triggered (execute) this command changes the origin and scale of a given ILcdGXYView to fit into given world bounds.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGXYFitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds

      public TLcdGXYFitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds()
  • Method Details

    • execute

      public void execute()
      Performs the fit. Calls fitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds with its 2 properties GXYView and XYWorldBounds.
    • fitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds

      public static void fitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds(ILcdGXYView aGXYViewSFCT, ILcdBounds aXYWorldBounds)
      Fits a specified area into a view. In other words, the specified view will be modified so that the area specified by the bounds is shown in this view. The bounds is assumed to be specified in the world reference of the view.
      aGXYViewSFCT - The ILcdGXYView to adapt.
      aXYWorldBounds - The area to show. It is interpreted as a 2D bounds (i.e. the depth will not be taken into account).
    • fitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds

      public static void fitGXYViewFromXYWorldBounds(ILcdGXYView aGXYViewSFCT, ILcdBounds aXYWorldBounds, Rectangle aRectangleToFitInto)
      Fits a specified area into a view. In other words, the specified view will be modified so that the area specified by the bounds is shown in this view. The bounds is assumed to be specified in the world reference of the view. The third parameter can be used to 'fit' the area into a specific portion of the view. For instance if a rectangle (0, 0, 20, 20) is passed to this method the specified bounds will be shown in the upper right 20x20 pixel corner of the view. If the rectangle is null, the rectangle is assumed to be the size of the entire view.
      aGXYViewSFCT - The ILcdGXYView to adapt.
      aXYWorldBounds - The area to show. It is interpreted as a 2D bounds (i.e. the depth will not be taken into account).
      aRectangleToFitInto - The rectangle (in view coordinates) to fit the given bounds into, or null if the given area should take up the entire view.
    • setXYWorldBounds

      public void setXYWorldBounds(ILcdBounds newXYWorldBounds)
      Sets the world bounds to fit in. aBounds will interpreted as a 2D bounds (i.e. the depth will not be taken into account).
    • getXYWorldBounds

      public ILcdBounds getXYWorldBounds()
      Gets the world bounds to fit in. aBounds will interpreted as a 2D bounds (i.e. the depth will not be taken into account).
    • setGXYView

      public void setGXYView(ILcdGXYView newGXYView)
    • getGXYView

      public ILcdGXYView getGXYView()