Class TLcdLabelLocationEventSupport


public class TLcdLabelLocationEventSupport extends Object
Support class for generating events related to label locations. It is provided to facilitate the implementation of ALcdLabelLocations
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdLabelLocationEventSupport

      public TLcdLabelLocationEventSupport(ALcdLabelLocations aSource)
      Creates a new instance of this support class, with the specified ALcdLabelLocations as source for the events it will fire.
      aSource - The ALcdLabelLocations that will be used as the source of the event this instance will fire. It must not be null.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • labelLocationChanged

      public void labelLocationChanged(Object aObject, int aLabelIndex, int aSubLabelIndex, ILcdView aView, int aFireEventMode)
      Notify this support class of a change in the label locations.
      aObject - The domain Object for which the label changed.
      aLabelIndex - The label that changed.
      aSubLabelIndex - The sublabel that changed.
      aView - The view on which the label was painted.
      aFireEventMode - Specifies if and when the registered listeners should be notified of the change. When this integer is equal to ILcdFireEventMode#FIRE_NOW, the listeners will be notified right away, when it is ILcdFireEventMode#FIRE_LATER the listeners will be notified later (more specifically, when fireCollectedChanges is called) and when it is ILcdFireEventMode#NO_EVENT the listeners will never be notified of the change.
      See Also:
    • addLabelLocationListener

      public void addLabelLocationListener(ILcdLabelLocationListener aListener)
      Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners that should be notified of changes to the label locations.
      aListener - The listener that should be notified of any future changes in the label locations
      See Also:
    • removeLabelLocationListener

      public void removeLabelLocationListener(ILcdLabelLocationListener aListener)
      Removes the specified listener from the list of listeners. This means it will no longer be notified of any future changes in the label locations.
      aListener - The listener that should no longer be notified of the changes in the label locations
      See Also:
    • fireCollectedChanges

      public void fireCollectedChanges(ILcdView aView)
      Notifies the registered listeners of the collected changes. These changes are the ones that were collected using the labelLocationChanged(Object, int, int, com.luciad.view.ILcdView, int) method.
      aView - The ILcdView for which to fire the collected changes.
      See Also:
    • addLabelPaintedListener

      public void addLabelPaintedListener(ILcdLabelPaintedListener aListener)
      Adds the specified listener to the list of listeners that should be notified of changes to the label locations.
      aListener - The listener that should be notified of any future changes in the label locations
      See Also:
    • removeLabelPaintedListener

      public void removeLabelPaintedListener(ILcdLabelPaintedListener aListener)
      Removes the specified listener from the list of listeners. This means it will no longer be notified of any future changes in the label locations.
      aListener - The listener that should no longer be notified of the changes in the label locations
      See Also:
    • labelPaintedChanged

      public void labelPaintedChanged(Object aObject, int aLabelIndex, int aSubLabelIndex, ILcdView aView, boolean aIsPainted, boolean aPreviousPainted, int aFireEventMode)
      Notify this support class of a change in the label locations painted status. This label location changed will only throw an event when the painted status is effectively changed.
      aObject - The domain Object for which the label changed.
      aLabelIndex - The label that changed.
      aSubLabelIndex - The sublabel that changed.
      aView - The view on which the label was painted.
      aIsPainted - True if the label is marked as painted, and false if it is unmarked.
      aPreviousPainted - True if the label was marked as painted before the change.
      aFireEventMode - Specifies if and when the registered listeners should be notified of the change. When this integer is equal to ILcdFireEventMode#FIRE_NOW, the listeners will be notified right away, when it is ILcdFireEventMode#FIRE_LATER the listeners will be notified later (more specifically, when fireCollectedLabelPaintedChanges is called) and when it is ILcdFireEventMode#NO_EVENT the listeners will never be notified of the change.
      See Also:
    • fireCollectedLabelPaintedChanges

      public void fireCollectedLabelPaintedChanges(ILcdView aView)
      Notifies the registered listeners of the collected changes. These changes are the ones that were collected using the labelPaintedChanged(Object, int, int, com.luciad.view.ILcdView, boolean, boolean, int) method.
      aView - The ILcdView for which to fire the collected changes.
      See Also: