Class TLcdDomainObjectContext

Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcyDomainObjectContext, TLspDomainObjectContext

public class TLcdDomainObjectContext extends Object
This context object defines everything related to a domain object: the ILcdModel in which it is contained, and the ILcdLayer and the ILcdView in which it is displayed.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdDomainObjectContext

      public TLcdDomainObjectContext(Object aDomainObject, ILcdModel aModel, ILcdLayer aLayer, ILcdView aView)
      Creates a new context instance.
      aDomainObject - The domain object for which this object provides the context. This must not be null.
      aModel - The ILcdModel that contains the aDomainObject. This may be null if this information is not available.
      aLayer - The ILcdLayer in which aModel is displayed. This may be null if this information is not available.
      aView - The ILcdView in which aLayer is displayed. This may be null if this information is not available.
  • Method Details

    • getModel

      public ILcdModel getModel()
      Returns the model in which the domain object is contained.
      The model in which the domain object is contained. This may be null.
    • getDomainObject

      public Object getDomainObject()
      Returns the domain object for which this object provides the context.
      The domain object for which this object provides the context. This will never be null.
    • getLayer

      public ILcdLayer getLayer()
      Returns the ILcdLayer in which the domain object is displayed.
      The ILcdLayer in which the domain object is displayed. This may be null.
    • getView

      public ILcdView getView()
      Returns the ILcdView in which the domain object is displayed.
      The ILcdView in which the domain object is displayed. This may be null.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object