Class TLcdImageModelMeasureProviderFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

@LcdService(service=ILcdModelMeasureProviderFactory.class, priority=20000) public class TLcdImageModelMeasureProviderFactory extends Object implements ILcdModelMeasureProviderFactory

This model measure provider factory makes it possible to create an ALcdMeasureProvider for models containing elements of the ALcdImage type. The image also needs a measurement band semantics. The following ALcdImage sub-types are supported:

The resulting ALcdMeasureProvider will return multiple measures if the model for which it was created contains multiple images.

It is possible to specify a different imaging engine than the default one using setImagingEngine.

Note that this factory only supports models containing ALcdImage instances. So it will ignore model elements of other types like ILcdRaster or ILcdMultilevelRaster. It will also only handle models with an ILcdImageModelDescriptor.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdImageModelMeasureProviderFactory

      public TLcdImageModelMeasureProviderFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getImagingEngine

      public ALcdImagingEngine getImagingEngine()
      Returns the imaging engine to use to retrieve the pixel values from the images. When this method returns null, a default imaging engine is used.
      the imaging engine. Can be null.
      See Also:
    • setImagingEngine

      public void setImagingEngine(ALcdImagingEngine aImagingEngine)
      Sets the imaging engine to use to retrieve the pixel values from the images. Can be null. In that case a default imaging engine is used.
      aImagingEngine - the imaging engine to use to retrieve the pixel values. Can be null.
    • createMeasureProvider

      public ALcdMeasureProvider createMeasureProvider(ILcdModel aModel)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdModelMeasureProviderFactory
      Creates a new measure provider, based on the given model, or null if no measure provider can be created for the given model.
      Specified by:
      createMeasureProvider in interface ILcdModelMeasureProviderFactory
      aModel - a model.
      a measure provider, or null if no measure provider can be created for the given model.