Class TLcdSubEnumeration

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdAutoCloseableEnumeration, AutoCloseable, Enumeration

public class TLcdSubEnumeration extends Object implements ILcdAutoCloseableEnumeration
This Enumeration is equal to a given Enumeration minus a given set of elements.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdSubEnumeration

      public TLcdSubEnumeration(Enumeration aEnumeration, Hashtable aHashtable)
      Constructs a new Enumeration from the given Enumeration minus the given elements. The elements are identified by means of the equals method.
      aEnumeration - the basic Enumeration that will be returned.
      aHashtable - the Hashtable containing the elements that will be removed from the Enumeration.
    • TLcdSubEnumeration

      public TLcdSubEnumeration(Enumeration aEnumeration, Hashtable aHashtable, ILcdMorphingFunction aKeyProvider)
      Constructs a new Enumeration from the given Enumeration minus the elements that correspond to the given keys.
      aEnumeration - the basic Enumeration that will be returned.
      aHashtable - the Hashtable containing the keys of the elements that will be removed from the Enumeration.
      aKeyProvider - the function that returns the key of the given object.
  • Method Details