Class TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation, Serializable

public class TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation extends Object implements ILcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation
A topocentric earth fixed cartesian coordinate system is a right-handed cartesian coordinate system defined with respect to an ellipsoid and a point on the ellipsoid. The coordinate system's origin is defined by a LonLatHeighPoint. The y-axis is aligned to intersect with the polar rotational axis of the rotational ellipsoid, and directed north-wards. The x-y plane is parallel to the plane tangential to the ellipsoid at the intersection point of the ellipsoid and the z-axis and goes through the given origin point. The z-axis is perpendicular to the ellipsoid and points from the center of the ellipsoid out-wards. In other words, the z-axis is perpendicular to the plane tangential to the ellipsoid at the intersection point of the ellipsoid and the z-axis. The x-axis is directed east-wards.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation

      public TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation()
      Default topocentric cartesian coordinate system is based on the WGS_1984 ellipsoid and the origin located on the equator and the Greenwich meridian.
    • TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation

      public TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation(ILcdPoint aOrigin)
      Topocentric cartesian coordinate system based on the WGS_1984 ellipsoid and the origin located at the ILcdPoint aOrigin.
      aOrigin - the lonLatHeight point specifying the origin of the topocentric coordinate system.
    • TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation

      public TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation(double aLongitude, double aLatitude, double aHeight)
      Topocentric cartesian coordinate system based on the WGS_1984 ellipsoid and the origin located at the coordinate (aLongitude,aLatitude,aHeight).
      aLongitude - longitude of the origin of the topocentric coordinate system.
      aLatitude - latitude of the origin of the topocentric coordinate system.
      aHeight - height of the origin of the topocentric coordinate system above the ellipsoid.
    • TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation

      public TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, double aLongitude, double aLatitude, double aHeight)
      Topocentric cartesian coordinate system based on the specified ellipsoid and the origin located at the coordinate (aLongitude,aLatitude,aHeight).
      aEllipsoid - ILcdEllipsoid on which the topocentric coordinate system is based.
      aLongitude - longitude of the origin of the topocentric coordinate system.
      aLatitude - latitude of the origin of the topocentric coordinate system.
      aHeight - height of the origin above the ellipsoid.
    • TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation

      public TLcdTopocentricCoordSysTransformation(ILcdEllipsoid aEllipsoid, ILcdPoint aOrigin)
      Topocentric cartesian coordinate system based on the specified ellipsoid and the origin located at the ILcdPoint aOrigin.
      aEllipsoid - ILcdEllipsoid on which the topocentric coordinate system is based.
      aOrigin - origin of the topocentric coordinate system.
  • Method Details