Interface ILcdViewshedFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcd3DMeshViewshedFactory, TLcdExtrudedPolygonViewshedFactory, TLcdPolygonViewshedFactory, TLcdTerrainViewshedFactory

public interface ILcdViewshedFactory

This interface defines a factory that is capable creating viewsheds for specific domain objects.

A viewshed factory creates viewsheds for domain objects. It is used primarily to facilitate the creation of various viewsheds, including complex composite viewsheds consisting of a hierarchy of different types of smaller viewsheds.

A viewshed factory performs all necessary transformations to a domain object to ensure that the resulting viewsheds are defined in the correct model reference.

  • Method Details

    • createViewshed

      ILcdViewshed createViewshed(Object aObject, ILcdModelModelTransformation aModelModelTransformation)

      Creates an ILcdViewshed for the given object. This method will only return valid results if canCreateViewshed(Object, com.luciad.transformation.ILcdModelModelTransformation) returns true for the given parameters.

      aObject - The object for which a viewshed will be created.
      aModelModelTransformation - The transformation that transforms the domain object to the reference in which the viewshed should be defined. The source reference should be the reference of aObject and aModel. The destination reference is the desired reference of the viewshed.
      The created viewshed for the given object
    • canCreateViewshed

      boolean canCreateViewshed(Object aObject, ILcdModelModelTransformation aModelModelTransformation)

      Checks if the factory can create a viewshed for the given object.

      aObject - The object to check.
      aModelModelTransformation - The transformation that transforms the domain object to the reference in which the viewshed should be defined. The source reference should be the reference of aObject and aModel. The destination reference is the desired reference of the viewshed.
      true if this viewshed factory can create a viewshed for the given parameter; false otherwise