Class TLcdAPP6AObjectIconProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdAPP6AObjectIconProvider extends Object implements ILcdObjectIconProvider
Icon provider for ILcdAPP6ACoded objects. When an object also implements ILcdStyledMilitarySymbol, its style will be associated with the icon. Otherwise, a default style will be used. This default style can be customized using the methods getDefaultMilitarySymbolStyle() and setDefaultMilitarySymbolStyle(TLcdMilitarySymbolStyle).

The icons generated by this ILcdObjectIconProvider are cached using a simple LRU cache. The default maximum cache size is 5000 icons. If you wish to adjust the max cache size, you can do this using the following property: com.luciad.symbology.iconsymbols.MAX_CACHE_SIZE

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdAPP6AObjectIconProvider

      public TLcdAPP6AObjectIconProvider()
  • Method Details