Package com.luciad.symbology.app6a

package com.luciad.symbology.app6a
Contains all classes regarding military operational symbology defined by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The supported military symbology standard is APP-6A and APP-6B. Additionally, support is provided for TTA-106 V4, a military standard developed by DGA (Direction Générale de l'Armement) that extends the APP-6A symbology with a number of new units and tactical symbols.

The APP-6A implementation is based on APP-6A Military Symbols for Land Based Systems, NATO STANAG 2019 (edition 4), December 1999 and the corrections defined in the APP-6A DRDC Valcartier Edition 1.2.1, September 2005.

The APP-6B implementation is based on APP-6B Joint Symbology, NATO STANAG 2019, June 2008.
