Interface ILcdAPP6AShape

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public interface ILcdAPP6AShape extends ILcdAPP6ACoded
An ILcdAPP6AShape is a ILcdAPP6ACoded extension that contains geometric information about the symbol.

This information includes:

  • knowledge on whether it is a line or not,
  • an ILcdPointList instance that defines its geometry,
  • a width in case it needs to be represented as a buffer (line with a width).
  • Method Details

    • isLine

      boolean isLine()
      Returns whether this object is represented as a line or not.

      When returning false, the symbol is represented by one point. When returning true, the symbol is represented by two or more points, e.g. a polyline, polygon (area symbol) or buffer (arrow symbol).

      true when this object should be represented as a line.
    • getPointList

      ILcdPointList getPointList()
      Returns the point list that defines the geometry of this symbol.
      the point list that defines the geometry of this symbol.
    • getWidth

      double getWidth()
      Returns the buffer width.

      This value is only taken into account when the symbol should be represented by a buffer. In the APP-6A specification, these are the arrow symbols; the width property is used to define the width of the bounding box around the arrow.

      the buffer width in meters. This value is only taken into account when the object with this code should be represented by a buffer.