Interface ILcd3DArcBand

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdLonLatHeight3DArcBand, TLcdXYZ3DArcBand

public interface ILcd3DArcBand extends ILcdShape
An ILcd3DArcBand is an ILcdShape that represents a subvolume of a sphere. The shape extends from a minimum radius to a maximum radius from the center point. It is further delimited by a start angle and an arc angle in one dimension and a pitch start angle and a pitch arc angle in another dimension. The start angle is measured from the 3 o'clock position in the horizontal plane. The pitch start angle is measured from the start angle in the vertical plane.

To allow for orientation, the shape is finally rotated about the yaw axis, followed by a rotation about the pitch axis. These rotations use the axis of the shape as the starting point. This axis is directed towards the 3 o'clock position in the horizontal and in the vertical plane. It is unaffected by start angle, arc angle, pitch start angle and pitch arc angle.

All angles are positive counter-clockwise.
A 3D arc band

Arc angles when axis yaw > 0 Pitch angles
Arc angles when axis yaw > 0 Pitch angles

The parameters of the 3D arc band can only be read, not modified. ILcd3DEditableArcBand provides an interface to change the parameters.

This shape can, for example, be used to represent a radar coverage in 3D.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the angle over which this ILcd3DArcBand extends (in degrees).
    Returns the pitch angle of (the axis of) this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees).
    Returns the yaw angle of (the axis of) this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees).
    Returns the center point of this ILcd3DArcBand.
    Returns the maximum radius of this ILcd3DArcBand.
    Returns the minimum radius of this ILcd3DArcBand.
    Returns the angle over which the pitch of this ILcd3DArcBand extends (in degrees).
    Returns the start angle of the pitch of this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees).
    Returns the start angle of this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees).

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdBounded


    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.util.ILcdCloneable


    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdShape

    contains2D, contains2D, contains3D, contains3D, getFocusPoint
  • Method Details

    • getCenter

      ILcdPoint getCenter()
      Returns the center point of this ILcd3DArcBand.
      the center point of this ILcd3DArcBand.
    • getMinRadius

      double getMinRadius()
      Returns the minimum radius of this ILcd3DArcBand. The minimum radius is smaller than the maximum radius and never smaller than 0.
      the minimum radius of this ILcd3DArcBand.
    • getMaxRadius

      double getMaxRadius()
      Returns the maximum radius of this ILcd3DArcBand. The maximum radius is larger than the minimum radius and never smaller than 0.
      the maximum radius of this ILcd3DArcBand.
    • getStartAngle

      double getStartAngle()
      Returns the start angle of this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees). The angle is measured from the axis yaw, positive counter-clockwise.
      the start angle of this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees). The angle is measured from the axis yaw, positive counter-clockwise.
    • getArcAngle

      double getArcAngle()
      Returns the angle over which this ILcd3DArcBand extends (in degrees). The angle is positive counter-clockwise.
      the angle over which this ILcd3DArcBand extends (in degrees). The angle is positive counter-clockwise.
    • getPitchStartAngle

      double getPitchStartAngle()
      Returns the start angle of the pitch of this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees). The angle is measured from the axis pitch, positive counter-clockwise.
      the start angle of the pitch of this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees). The angle is measured from the axis pitch, positive counter-clockwise.
    • getPitchArcAngle

      double getPitchArcAngle()
      Returns the angle over which the pitch of this ILcd3DArcBand extends (in degrees). The angle is positive counter-clockwise.
      the angle over which the pitch of this ILcd3DArcBand extends (in degrees). The angle is positive counter-clockwise.
    • getAxisYaw

      double getAxisYaw()
      Returns the yaw angle of (the axis of) this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees). The angle is measured from the 3 o'clock position in the horizontal plane, positive counter-clockwise.
      the yaw angle of (the axis of) this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees). The angle is measured from the 3 o'clock position in the horizontal plane, positive counter-clockwise.
    • getAxisPitch

      double getAxisPitch()
      Returns the pitch angle of (the axis of) this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees). The angle is measured from the 3 o'clock position in the plane defined by the axis yaw and the vertical axis, positive counter-clockwise.
      the pitch angle of (the axis of) this ILcd3DArcBand (in degrees). The angle is measured from the 3 o'clock position in the plane defined by the axis yaw and the vertical axis, positive counter-clockwise.