Class TLcdXYDynamicSegmentationEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdBounded, ILcdShape, ILcd2DDynamicSegmentationEvent, ILcd2DEditableDynamicSegmentationEvent, ILcdCloneable, Serializable, Cloneable

public class TLcdXYDynamicSegmentationEvent extends ALcdXYDynamicSegmentationEvent implements ILcd2DEditableDynamicSegmentationEvent, Serializable
Do not use this class.
A TLcdXYDynamicSegmentationEvent is an implementation of ILcd2DDynamicSegmentationEvent.

Be careful: points, shape lists and polylines that are returned are often the same object, setup with different values. These objects are therefore changing all the time, and it is not useful to keep a reference to them.

Two consecutive points of a polyline are guaranteed not to be the same object, if that is also the case for the underlying polylineM.

See Also: