Interface ILcd2DEditableGeoBuffer

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcd2DEditableShape, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdGeoBuffer, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdLonLatGeoBuffer, TLcdNVG15Arrow, TLcdNVG15Corridor, TLcdNVG20Arrow, TLcdNVG20Corridor, TLcdNVG20Orbit, TLcdXYGeoBuffer

public interface ILcd2DEditableGeoBuffer extends ILcdGeoBuffer, ILcd2DEditableShape
An ILcd2DEditableBuffer object is an ILcdGeoBuffer that can be changed in two dimensions.
  • Method Details

    • setWidth

      void setWidth(double aWidth)
      Sets the width of the buffer, expressed in meters and measured from the axis to the border.
      aWidth - the width of the buffer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if a negative width is specified.
    • setEndCapStyle

      void setEndCapStyle(int aEndCapStyle)
      Sets the end cap style of the buffer, which must be either ILcdGeoBuffer.CAP_BUTT or ILcdGeoBuffer.CAP_ROUND.
      aEndCapStyle - the end cap style of the buffer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if an unrecognized end cap style is specified.
    • setJoinStyle

      void setJoinStyle(int aJoinStyle)
      Sets the join style of the buffer, which must be ILcdGeoBuffer.JOIN_ROUND.
      aJoinStyle - the join style of the buffer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if an unrecognized join style is specified.
    • setBaseShape

      void setBaseShape(ILcdShape aShape)
      Sets the base shape of the buffer.
      aShape - the base shape of the buffer.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the base shape is not supported.
    • invalidateShape

      void invalidateShape()
      Indicates that the base shape has been changed, and that the buffer should be recalculated.