Interface ILcdVariableGeoBuffer

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ILcdBounded, ILcdCloneable, ILcdShape, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
ILcd2DEditableVariableGeoBuffer, ILcd3DEditableVariableGeoBuffer
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdVariableGeoBuffer extends ILcdShape
An ILcdVariableGeoBuffer shape defines a buffer or corridor around a given (3D) polyline, adding a width and height to the shape that is defined for every polyline point.

In 2D, the contour of the buffer is a polygon in which each exterior point lies at the relevant distance from the line segments of the polyline.
In 3D, the contour can be seen as the 2D contour, extruded along the Z-axis. However, the altitude and height of the contour at each point can be different.

Variable Geo Buffer
This images shows how the 2D contour of the variable geo buffer is defined. Each segment of the axis point list (and the corresponding widths of the axis points) defines a isosceles trapezoid. These trapezoids are then connected with each by calculating the intersections between their edges.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the base polyline of the buffer.
    getHeightAbove(int aIndex)
    Returns the height of this buffer above the base polyline point with the given index, expressed in meters.
    getHeightBelow(int aIndex)
    Returns the height of this buffer below the base polyline point with the given index, expressed in meters.
    getWidth(int aIndex)
    Returns the width of this buffer at the given point index, expressed in meters.

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdBounded


    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.util.ILcdCloneable


    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdShape

    contains2D, contains2D, contains3D, contains3D, getFocusPoint
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      double getWidth(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the width of this buffer at the given point index, expressed in meters. This width is defined as the distance from the respective point in the base polyline, in a direction perpendicular to the segments of the base polyline containing the respective point. This is also illustrated in the class doc of this interface.
      aIndex - the base shape point index to return the width for
      a positive integer (>= 0) representing the width of the buffer at the given point
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the base polyline does not have a point for the given index
    • getHeightBelow

      double getHeightBelow(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the height of this buffer below the base polyline point with the given index, expressed in meters. This height is defined as the distance between the respective point and the lower side of the contour at that point.
      aIndex - the base shape point index to return the height for
      a positive integer (>= 0) representing the distance between the respective point and the lower side of the contour at that point
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the base polyline does not have a point for the given index
    • getHeightAbove

      double getHeightAbove(int aIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the height of this buffer above the base polyline point with the given index, expressed in meters. This height is defined as the distance between the respective point and the upper side of the contour at that point.
      aIndex - the base shape point index to return the height for
      a positive integer (>= 0) representing the distance between the respective point and the upper side of the contour at that point
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the base polyline does not have a point for the given index
    • getBaseShape

      ILcdPointList getBaseShape()
      Returns the base polyline of the buffer.
      the base polyline of the buffer.