Interface ILcdValuedPolygon

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdContour, TLcdValuedPolygon

public interface ILcdValuedPolygon extends ILcdBounded
ILcdValuedPolygon is the representation of a contour line. Contour lines should always be closed. A contour line is represented by
  • its ProjectedPolygon, this is a polygon with z-coordinate equal to zero
  • its Level, this is the "level" at which the contour was computed. It may e.g. represent an altitude, a color coding, etc.
Do not implement this interface yourself.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the level of the contour line.
    Returns the projected polygon of the contour line, this is a polygon where all z-coordinates are zero.

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.shape.ILcdBounded

  • Method Details

    • getProjectedPolygon

      ILcdPolygon getProjectedPolygon()
      Returns the projected polygon of the contour line, this is a polygon where all z-coordinates are zero.
      The projected polygon of the contour line, this is a polygon where all z-coordinates are zero.
    • getPolygonValue

      double getPolygonValue()
      Returns the level of the contour line. The level may represent an altitude, a color coding, etc.
      The level of the contour line. The level may represent an altitude, a color coding, etc.