Interface ILcdTransverseCylindrical

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdProjection, ILcdPropertyChangeSource, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcdTransverseCylindrical, TLcdCassini, TLcdCassiniSoldner, TLcdTransverseMercator, TLcdTransverseMercatorSPCS

public interface ILcdTransverseCylindrical extends ILcdProjection
An ILcdTransverseCylindrical is an ILcdProjection for which a cylinder is wrapped around the globe. The cylinder touches the poles and the axis of the cylinder is in the direction of the central meridian. The central meridian is determined by its longitude and determines the position of the origin of the ILcdTransverseCylindrical (on the equator).

ILcdTransverseCylindrical Structure.

  • Method Details

    • setCentralMeridian

      void setCentralMeridian(double aLongitude)
      Sets the centralMeridian to the meridian with longitude aLongitude.
      aLongitude - The new centralMeridian value.
      See Also:
    • getCentralMeridian

      double getCentralMeridian()
      Gets the longitude of the centralMeridian of this ILcdTransverseCylindrical.
      the longitude of the centralMeridian of this ILcdTransverseCylindrical.
      See Also:
    • setOriginLat

      void setOriginLat(double aLatitude)
      Sets the originLat to the latitude aLatitude.
      aLatitude - The new originLat value.
      See Also:
    • getOriginLat

      double getOriginLat()
      Gets the latitude of the originLat of this ILcdTransverseCylindrical.
      the latitude of the originLat of this ILcdTransverseCylindrical.
      See Also: