Interface ILcdPanoramicImage

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public interface ILcdPanoramicImage
A panoramic image is a part of a ILcdPanorama.

A panoramic image has these properties:

  • A transformation, which is the representation of the camera pose and the projection type of the image.
  • An image, from which the image pixels can be retrieved.

See the Panoramic images guide for more information.

  • Method Details

    • getTransformation

      ILcdModelModelTransformation getTransformation()
      Get the ILcdModelModelTransformation that converts points from the 3D reference coordinate system to the 2D image coordinate system.

      For more information about the interpretation of this transformation, as well as convenience methods for building them, refer to the TLcdPanoramicTransformationFactory class.

      the transformation that converts points in model space to points in image space.
    • getImage

      RenderedImage getImage()
      Get the image that contains the pixel values of this PanoramicImage.
      the image