Class TLcdOpenSearchAtomFeed

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdOpenSearchAtomFeed extends TLcdAtomFeed
ATOM feed with OpenSearch elements.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOpenSearchAtomFeed

      public TLcdOpenSearchAtomFeed()
  • Method Details

    • getQuery

      public TLcdOpenSearchQuery getQuery()
      Returns the query triggering creation of this feed.
      the associated query
    • setQuery

      public void setQuery(TLcdOpenSearchQuery aQuery)
      Sets the query triggering creation of this feed.
      aQuery - the associated query
    • getTotalResults

      public long getTotalResults()
      Returns the total number of the results for the associated query.
      the total results
    • setTotalResults

      public void setTotalResults(long aValue)
      Sets the total number of the results for the associated query.
      aValue - the total number of results
    • getStartIndex

      public long getStartIndex()
      Returns the index of the first entry in this feed, respective to the total amount of matched results.
      the record index, with 1 meaning the first record
    • setStartIndex

      public void setStartIndex(long aValue)
      Sets the index of the first entry in this feed, respective to the total amount of matched results.
      aValue - the record index, with 1 meaning the first record
    • getItemsPerPage

      public long getItemsPerPage()
      Returns the maximum amount of items contained in this feed.
      the amount of items, less than or equal to the total amount of matched results
    • setItemsPerPage

      public void setItemsPerPage(long aValue)
      Sets the maximum amount of items contained in this feed.
      aValue - the amount of items, less than or equal to the total amount of matched results