Class TLcdWFSLockFeatureRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdWFSLockFeatureRequest extends Object implements ILcdOWSRequest
A WFS LockFeature request. Instances of this class can not be created directly. An instance can be created using the TLcdWFSClient.createLockFeatureRequest() method. This method will ensure a request object is created that is compatible with the WFS version implemented by the WFS server.
  • Method Details

    • setLockAction

      public void setLockAction(TLcdWFSLockFeatureRequest.LockAction aLockAction)
      Sets the lock action. Valid values are the constants ALL and SOME, as defined in this class. By default, ALL is set. Set to null to reset to the default.
      aLockAction - The lock action which should be set on this request.
      See Also:
    • setExpiry

      public void setExpiry(int aExpiry)
      Sets the requested expiry time for the lock in seconds. The expiry determines how long the lock will remain valid after its creation. The expiry of a lock can also be reset by other requests. By default the expiry is set to 300 seconds.
      aExpiry - A positive integer which represent the lock expiry time in seconds.
    • setHandle

      public void setHandle(String aHandle)
      Sets the optional handle of this request. A handle will be used in exception reports to identify the failed request. This is supported starting from WFS version 1.1.0.
      aHandle - A String which can be used to identify this request, or null if no handle should be used.
    • addFeatures

      public void addFeatures(QName aTypeName, TLcdOGCFilter aFilter, String aHandle)
      Adds a set of features which should be locked by this request. This method can be called multiple times to specify multiple groups of features that should be locked.
      aTypeName - The type name of the features
      aFilter - A filter which specifies which features of type aTypeName should be locked.
      aHandle - A handle which will be used by the server in an exception report if present. Can be set to null.
    • getKVPEncoding

      public Map getKVPEncoding()
      LockFeature requests do not support KVP encoding.
      Specified by:
      getKVPEncoding in interface ILcdOWSRequest
      null, indicating that KVP encoding is not supported for LockFeature requests.
    • getTransportData

      public Object getTransportData()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdOWSRequest
      Returns an object representing data to be used by the transportation layer (see ILcdOWSTransport) to perform this OGC Web Service request. The type of object and the data contained in it depends on the ILcdOWSTransport object used to perform this request.

      An example in the case of a HTTP transport connection is a map of request properties (see URLConnection.getRequestProperties()) to be used for the request.

      Specified by:
      getTransportData in interface ILcdOWSRequest
      an object representing data to be used by the transportation layer to perform this OGC Web Service request.
    • getXMLEncoding

      public InputStream getXMLEncoding()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdOWSRequest
      Returns the XML encoding of this request.

      If no XML encoding is supported for this request, nullshould be returned.

      Specified by:
      getXMLEncoding in interface ILcdOWSRequest
      the XML representation of this request.
    • getRestEncoding

      public URI getRestEncoding(URI aBaseURI)
      Returns null, REST encoding is not supported.
      Specified by:
      getRestEncoding in interface ILcdOWSRequest
      aBaseURI -