Class TLcdWFSGetFeatureConstraints


public final class TLcdWFSGetFeatureConstraints extends Object
A set of constraints that can be applied while retrieving features from a WFS.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getFeatureType

      public ILcdWFSFeatureType getFeatureType()
      Returns the type of the features being retrieved.
      an ILcdWFSFeatureType
    • getMaxFeatures

      public int getMaxFeatures()
      Returns the maximum number of features that may be retrieved.
      the maximum number of features that may be retrieved
    • setMaxFeatures

      public void setMaxFeatures(int aMaxFeatures)
      Sets the maximum number of features that may be retrieved.
      aMaxFeatures - the maximum number of features that may be retrieved.
    • getFilter

      public TLcdOGCFilter getFilter()
      Returns an OGC filter to be applied while retrieving features. If this is null, all features must be retrieved unconditionally.
      a TLcdOGCFilter
    • getSortBy

      public TLcdOGCSortBy getSortBy()
      Returns an OGC sortBy property to be applied while retrieving features. If this is null, no sorting will be applied.
      a TLcdOGCSortBy
    • getPropertyCount

      public int getPropertyCount()
      Returns the number of properties to be retained from the retrieved features. The names of the properties to be retained can be queried with getProperty().
      the number of properties to be retained from each feature
      See Also:
    • getProperty

      public String getProperty(int aIndex)
      Returns the name of a property to be retained from the retrieved features.
      aIndex - the index of the property whose name should be returned
      a property name
      See Also:
    • getRequestContext

      public TLcdWFSRequestContext getRequestContext()
      Returns the request context, which gives access to the original request and a number of parsed request parameters.
      the request context