Class TLcdCoverageOffering

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdCoverageOffering extends Object implements ILcdCoverageOffering
Use TLcdDefaultCoverageOffering instead (since 2017.0). It allows providing coverage offering information without requiring to have a ILcdModel.
Deprecated implementation of the interface ILcdCoverageOffering.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdCoverageOffering

      public TLcdCoverageOffering(ILcdModel aModel, String aName)
      Creates a new instance with the given model and name.

      By default, a coverage offering detail will be returned by getCoverageOfferingDetail() with its native CRS property set to the EPSG reference code of the model reference and without any additional output formats (apart from the default GeoTIFF format). The optional properties label and description are set to the display name of the model descriptor. The optional metadata link and keywords are set to null.

      aModel - The model containing the data that is served in this coverage offering. This cannot be null.
      aName - A unique name linked to this coverage offering. This cannot be null.
    • TLcdCoverageOffering

      public TLcdCoverageOffering(ILcdModel aModel, String aName, String aLabel, String aDescription, String aMetadataLink, List<String> aKeywords)
      Creates a new instance with the given arguments.

      By default, a coverage offering detail will be returned by getCoverageOfferingDetail() with its native CRS property set to the EPSG reference code of the model reference and without any additional output formats (apart from the default GeoTIFF format).

      aModel - The model containing the data that is served in this coverage offering. This cannot be null.
      aName - A unique name (ID) linked to this coverage offering. This cannot be null.
      aLabel - An optional, human-readable label of this coverage offering.
      aDescription - An optional description of this coverage offering.
      aMetadataLink - An optional link to a metadata source describing this coverage offering.
      aKeywords - An optional set of keywords that describe this coverage offering.
    • TLcdCoverageOffering

      public TLcdCoverageOffering(ILcdModel aModel, String aName, String aLabel, String aDescription, String aMetadataLink, List<String> aKeywords, ILcdCoverageOfferingDetail aCoverageOfferingDetail)
      Creates a new instance with the given arguments.
      aModel - The model containing the data that is served in this coverage offering. This cannot be null.
      aName - A unique name (ID) linked to this coverage offering. This cannot be null.
      aLabel - An optional, human-readable label of this coverage offering.
      aDescription - An optional description of this coverage offering.
      aMetadataLink - An optional link to a metadata source describing this coverage offering.
      aKeywords - An optional set of keywords that describe this coverage offering.
      aCoverageOfferingDetail - A more detailed description of the coverage offering. This cannot be null.
  • Method Details