Interface ILcdCoverageOfferingList

public interface ILcdCoverageOfferingList
An interface representing the list of coverages offered by a WCS server.

The WCS server uses this interface as central access point to determine the coverages to be offered, to retrieve the coverage metadata and to access the actual data behind the coverage.

This interface needs to be implemented by the user to serve coverage data using the WCS server. The methods of this interface are called by the WCS server and are not not intended to be called directly by the user.

  • Method Details

    • getCoverageOfferingCount

      int getCoverageOfferingCount(TLcdWCSRequestContext aRequestContext)
      Returns the number of coverage offerings in the list.
      aRequestContext - context information regarding the WCS request being handled
      the number of coverage offerings in the list.
    • getCoverageOffering

      ILcdCoverageOffering getCoverageOffering(int aIndex, TLcdWCSRequestContext aRequestContext) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Returns the coverage offering at the given index.
      aIndex - the index of the coverage offering to be retrieved
      aRequestContext - context information regarding the WCS request being handled
      the coverage offering at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the given index is invalid
      IOException - in case of an I/O error while retrieving the coverage offering
    • getModel

      ILcdModel getModel(String aCoverageName, Object[] aCoverageFilter, TLcdWCSRequestContext aRequestContext) throws IOException
      Returns a model for the given coverage offering name and optional spatial, temporal or other filter.
      aCoverageName - the name of a coverage offering. This is always an existing coverage name; incorrect coverage names specified in the request are automatically validated and handled.
      aCoverageFilter - a spatial, temporal or other filter. Can be null.
      aRequestContext - context information regarding the WCS request being handled
      a model for the given coverage offering name and optional spatial, temporal or other filter.
      IOException - in case of an I/O error while retrieving the model
    • getModelReference

      ILcdModelReference getModelReference(String aCoverageName, TLcdWCSRequestContext aRequestContext) throws IOException
      Returns the model reference for the given coverage offering name.
      aCoverageName - the name of a coverage offering. This is always an existing coverage name; incorrect coverage names specified in the request are automatically validated and handled.
      aRequestContext - context information regarding the WCS request being handled
      the model reference of the model for the coverage offering with the given name.
      IOException - in case of an I/O error while retrieving the model reference
    • getCoverageOffering

      ILcdCoverageOffering getCoverageOffering(String aName, TLcdWCSRequestContext aRequestContext) throws IOException
      Returns the coverage offering with the given name.
      aName - the name of the coverage offering to be retrieved. This is always an existing coverage name; incorrect coverage names specified in the request are automatically validated and handled.
      aRequestContext - context information regarding the WCS request being handled
      the coverage offering with the given name.
      IOException - in case of an I/O error while retrieving the coverage offering