Class TLcdWCSDescribeCoverageRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdWCSDescribeCoverageRequest extends Object implements ILcdOWSRequest
A WCS DescribeCoverage request. Instances of this class can be created using the TLcdWCSClient.createDescribeCoverageRequest() method. This method will ensure a request object is created that is compatible with the WCS version implemented by the WCS server.
  • Method Details

    • getTransportData

      public Object getTransportData()
      Returns an object representing data to be used by the transportation layer (see ILcdOWSTransport) to perform this OGC Web Service request. The type of object and the data contained in it depends on the ILcdOWSTransport object used to perform this request.

      An example in the case of a HTTP transport connection is a map of request properties (see URLConnection.getRequestProperties()) to be used for the request.

      Specified by:
      getTransportData in interface ILcdOWSRequest
      an object representing data to be used by the transportation layer to perform this OGC Web Service request.
    • setTransportData

      public void setTransportData(Object aTransportData)
      Sets an object representing data to be used by the transportation layer (see ILcdOWSTransport) to perform this OGC Web Service request. The type of object and the data contained in it depends on the ILcdOWSTransport object used to perform this request.
      aTransportData - an object representing data to be used by the transportation layer to perform this OGC Web Service request.
      See Also:
    • setCoverage

      public void setCoverage(String aCoverageName)
      Sets the name of the coverage for which a description should be retrieved.
      aCoverageName - the coverage name
      NullPointerException - if the coverage name is null
    • setCoverages

      public void setCoverages(String[] aCoverage)
      Sets the coverage names for which descriptions should be retrieved.
      aCoverage - the coverage names
      NullPointerException - if the coverage name array is null or contains null values
    • getKVPEncoding

      public Map getKVPEncoding()
      Returns a key-value pair (KVP) encoding of this request.

      If no key-value pairs are defined, an empty map should be returned. If no key-value pair encoding is supported for this request, null should be returned.

      Specified by:
      getKVPEncoding in interface ILcdOWSRequest
      the key-value pair (KVP) representation of this request.
    • getXMLEncoding

      public InputStream getXMLEncoding()
      Returns the XML encoding of this request.

      If no XML encoding is supported for this request, nullshould be returned.

      Specified by:
      getXMLEncoding in interface ILcdOWSRequest
      the XML representation of this request.
    • getRestEncoding

      public URI getRestEncoding(URI aBaseURI)
      Returns null, REST encoding is not supported.
      Specified by:
      getRestEncoding in interface ILcdOWSRequest
      aBaseURI -