Interface ILcdWCSModelEncoder

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdModelEncoder, Serializable

public interface ILcdWCSModelEncoder extends ILcdModelEncoder
implement a regular ILcdModelEncoder instead
A model encoder interface for the WCS. Your encoders must implement this interface if you want to support area of interest cropping or user-specified output resolutions.

WCS does not require the methods ILcdModelEncoder.canSave(ILcdModel) and Implementations may safely throw UnsupportedOperationExceptions for those methods.

This legacy interface does not work well with point-sampled data. You're encouraged to use a regular ILcdModelEncoder instead.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called by the WCS to pass the value of the BBOX parameter to the encoder.
    setOutputResolution(int aWidth, int aHeight, int aDepth)
    Called by the WCS to pass the values of the WIDTH/HEIGHT/DEPTH parameters to the encoder.

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.model.ILcdModelEncoder

    canExport, canSave, export, getDisplayName, save
  • Method Details

    • setAreaOfInterest

      void setAreaOfInterest(ILcdBounds aAreaBounds)
      Called by the WCS to pass the value of the BBOX parameter to the encoder.
    • setOutputResolution

      void setOutputResolution(int aWidth, int aHeight, int aDepth)
      Called by the WCS to pass the values of the WIDTH/HEIGHT/DEPTH parameters to the encoder. If the client specifies RESX/RESY/RESZ instead, they are converted to pixel resolutions prior to calling this method, so the encoder need only support a single mechanism for specifying the output resolution.

      The conversion from WIDTH/HEIGHT/DEPTH to RESX/RESY/RESZ is only correct for area-sampled raster data (ELcdImageSamplingMode.AREA).