Interface ILcdSLDGraphicsProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdSLDGraphicsProvider
Sets up and restore Graphics objects. Implementations of this interface are used by the ALcdSLDSymbolizerPainter extensions to implement a style defined by a SLD symbolizer.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    rollBackGraphics(Graphics aGraphics, int aPainterMode, Object aObject)
    Resets the Graphics to its original state.
    setupGraphics(Graphics aGraphics, int aPainterMode, Object aObject)
    Sets up the Graphics for a certain object.
  • Method Details

    • setupGraphics

      Graphics setupGraphics(Graphics aGraphics, int aPainterMode, Object aObject)
      Sets up the Graphics for a certain object. This method returns a Graphics object that may be the original Graphics, or a newly created Graphics object. This is done to allow providers to create custom Graphics extensions to support advanced features such as strokes with an image.
      aGraphics - the Graphics to configure.
      aPainterMode - the painter mode for which the Graphics has to be set up, see ILcdGXYPainter
      aObject - the object for which the Graphics has to be set up.
      the prepared Graphics.
    • rollBackGraphics

      void rollBackGraphics(Graphics aGraphics, int aPainterMode, Object aObject)
      Resets the Graphics to its original state.
      aGraphics - the Graphics instance that was returned by setupGraphics(java.awt.Graphics, int, Object).
      aPainterMode - the painter mode that was used to set up the Graphics, see ILcdGXYPainter
      aObject - the object for which the Graphics was set up