Uses of Package

Packages that use com.luciad.ogc.sld.model
This package contains the class TLcdAIXM51GXYPainterEditorProvider, which can be used as a (label) painter provider and (label) editor provider to visualize and/or edit AIXM 5.1 data.
This package contains the class TLspAIXMStyler, which can be used to style AIXM 5.0 and 5.1 objects.
Provides support for visualizing MBTiles vector data in a Lightspeed view.
Contains a painter provider for painting S-57 geometries on a 2D view, using the S-52 standard.
This package provides a dedicated S-52 SLD Symbolizer, to specify within an SLD that data should be rendered using S-52 styling.
LuciadFusion TileStore provides a resource model, based on ALfnResourceMetadata.
This package provides a new, highly configurable data format.
Provides support facilities for adding visualization in a Lightspeed view for data formats.
Contains classes related to the visualization of features using the Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) or Symbology encoding OGC standard.
Model objects for SLD Feature Type Styles implementing the OGC 05-077r4, Symbology encoding standard, version 1.1.0, and the deprecated OGC 02-070 standard, Styled Layer Descriptor Implementation Specification, version 1.0.
Model objects for functions defined by the Symbology encoding standard, version 1.1.0.
This package contains classes and interfaces to support the use of SE and SLD feature type styles in GXY and Lightspeed views.
Conversion of SLD Feature Type Style model into ILcdGXYPainter/ILcdGXYLabelPainter implementations which can be used in an ILcdGXYView.
This package provides the necessary classes to apply a SE or SLD Feature Type Style to a Luciad Lightspeed layer.
Encoding and decoding of XML files containing Feature Type Styles to and from the SLD model.
Provides layering support for ILspView.
Provides layering support for raster layers.
Provides layering support for vector layers.
This package contains the layer builder for visualizing ALcdWMSProxy instances in a Lightspeed view.
This package contains a painter that visualizes ALcdWMSProxy instances in a Lightspeed view using a tiled approach.
Implementation of the OGC Web Map Service (WMS) specification.
Model objects for SLD Styled Layer Descriptors implementing the OGC 05-078r4, Styled Layer Descriptor standard, version 1.1.0, and the deprecated OGC 02-070 1.0.0 version of that standard.
Implementation of the OGC Web Map Tile Service.