Class TLcdOWSResponsibleParty

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdOWSResponsibleParty extends TLcdDataObject
Identification of, and means of communication with, person responsible for the server. At least one of IndividualName, OrganisationName, or PositionName shall be included.
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty INDIVIDUAL_NAME_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the IndividualName element. The possible values for this property are instances of String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty ORGANISATION_NAME_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the OrganisationName element. The possible values for this property are instances of String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty POSITION_NAME_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the PositionName element. The possible values for this property are instances of String.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty CONTACT_INFO_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the ContactInfo element. The possible values for this property are instances of TLcdOWSContact.

      public static final TLcdDataProperty ROLE_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the Role element. The possible values for this property are instances of TLcdOWSCode.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOWSResponsibleParty

      public TLcdOWSResponsibleParty()
    • TLcdOWSResponsibleParty

      public TLcdOWSResponsibleParty(TLcdDataType aType)
  • Method Details

    • getIndividualName

      public String getIndividualName()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the IndividualName element.

      Name of the responsible person: surname, given name, title separated by a delimiter.

      the value of the INDIVIDUAL_NAME_PROPERTY property.
    • setIndividualName

      public void setIndividualName(String aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the IndividualName element.

      Name of the responsible person: surname, given name, title separated by a delimiter.

      aValue - the value to set for the INDIVIDUAL_NAME_PROPERTY property.
    • getOrganisationName

      public String getOrganisationName()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the OrganisationName element.

      Name of the responsible organization.

      the value of the ORGANISATION_NAME_PROPERTY property.
    • setOrganisationName

      public void setOrganisationName(String aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the OrganisationName element.

      Name of the responsible organization.

      aValue - the value to set for the ORGANISATION_NAME_PROPERTY property.
    • getPositionName

      public String getPositionName()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the PositionName element.

      Role or position of the responsible person.

      the value of the POSITION_NAME_PROPERTY property.
    • setPositionName

      public void setPositionName(String aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the PositionName element.

      Role or position of the responsible person.

      aValue - the value to set for the POSITION_NAME_PROPERTY property.
    • getContactInfo

      public TLcdOWSContact getContactInfo()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the ContactInfo element.

      Address of the responsible party.

      the value of the CONTACT_INFO_PROPERTY property.
    • setContactInfo

      public void setContactInfo(TLcdOWSContact aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the ContactInfo element.

      Address of the responsible party.

      aValue - the value to set for the CONTACT_INFO_PROPERTY property.
    • getRole

      public TLcdOWSCode getRole()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the Role element.

      Function performed by the responsible party. Possible values of this Role shall include the values and the meanings listed in Subclause B.5.5 of ISO 19115:2003.

      the value of the ROLE_PROPERTY property.
    • setRole

      public void setRole(TLcdOWSCode aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the Role element.

      Function performed by the responsible party. Possible values of this Role shall include the values and the meanings listed in Subclause B.5.5 of ISO 19115:2003.

      aValue - the value to set for the ROLE_PROPERTY property.