Interface ILcdEvaluator

@Deprecated public interface ILcdEvaluator
There is no need to implement this interface yourself, or to use this interface directly.
Evaluating a filter is done by creating a TLcdOGCFilterEvaluator instance. The class javadoc of TLcdOGCFilterEvaluator contains an example of this.
Adding support for the evaluation of custom functions is achieved by implementing the ILcdEvaluatorFunction interface. The javadoc of that interface illustrates this with an example.
Produces the result of a generic expression as if an Object was entered in the expression. An ILcdEvaluator is typically created for an expression to be evaluated by an ILcdEvaluatorFactory.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getValue(Object aObject)
    Returns the value of the expression for the given Object.
  • Method Details

    • getValue

      Object getValue(Object aObject)
      Returns the value of the expression for the given Object.
      aObject - the object to evaluate in the expression this evaluator was built for. Typically this is a domain object, or the result of the evaluation of a previous expression.
      the value of the expression for the given Object.