Package com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.profile

package com.luciad.ogc.csw.server.profile
Additional support for implementing CSW server profiles, such as ISO or Inspire. See ALcdCSWCapabilitiesProvider for more information.
  • Class
    Marker interface for CSW profiles.
    Configures an ALcdCSWCapabilitiesProvider to expose the Dublin Core based CSW 2.0.2 metadata format and properties for queries and as output format.
    Configures an ALcdCSWCapabilitiesProvider to expose the Dublin Core based CSW 3.0.0 metadata format and properties for queries and as output format.
    Configures an ALcdCSWCapabilitiesProvider to expose additional ISO properties for queries and as output format, as prescribed by the European INSPIRE directive.
    Enumerates the possible INSPIRE conformance values.
    Enumerates the possible GEMET (General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus) keywords to describe the catalog service.
    Configurable properties that are included in the INSPIRE service metadata description.
    Configures an ALcdCSWCapabilitiesProvider to expose the ISO 19115 metadata format and properties for queries and as output format.