Package com.luciad.ogc.csw

package com.luciad.ogc.csw
Provides API for implementing and accessing an OGC Catalog Service.

The package com.luciad.ogc.csw.server contains the CSW server implementation. The package com.luciad.ogc.csw.client contains the LuciadLightspeed CSW client API. The package com.luciad.ogc.csw.model contains CSW related domain concepts. The package com.luciad.ogc.csw.record provides API to search and transform different types of metadata records. The package com.luciad.ogc.csw.xml contains an XML decoder for CSW domain objects.

The supported CSW versions are 2.0.2 and 3.0.0.

For a high level overview of the CSW API, refer to the CSW developer's guide.
