Class TLcdCSWTemporalExtent

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdTimeBounds, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdCSWTemporalExtent extends TLcdDataObject implements ILcdTimeBounds
Specifies the temporal extent of the data item that a metadata record describes. Omitting begin/end implies infinity in that direction.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdCSWTemporalExtent

      public TLcdCSWTemporalExtent()
    • TLcdCSWTemporalExtent

      public TLcdCSWTemporalExtent(Date aBegin, Date aEnd)
      Creates a new temporal extent using the given dates.
      aBegin - the begin time, or null to indicate the value is unbounded
      aEnd - the end time, or null to indicate the value is unbounded
    • TLcdCSWTemporalExtent

      public TLcdCSWTemporalExtent(XMLGregorianCalendar aBegin, XMLGregorianCalendar aEnd)
      Creates a new temporal extent using the given calendars.
      aBegin - the begin time, or null to indicate the value is unbounded
      aEnd - the end time, or null to indicate the value is unbounded
  • Method Details

    • getBeginTimeBoundedness

      public ILcdTimeBounds.Boundedness getBeginTimeBoundedness()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdTimeBounds
      Returns the boundedness of the begin time. This method can be used to check whether the begin time is undefined, bounded or unbounded.
      Specified by:
      getBeginTimeBoundedness in interface ILcdTimeBounds
      the boundedness of the begin time.
    • getEndTimeBoundedness

      public ILcdTimeBounds.Boundedness getEndTimeBoundedness()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdTimeBounds
      Returns the boundedness of the end time. This method can be used to check whether the end time is undefined, bounded or unbounded.
      Specified by:
      getEndTimeBoundedness in interface ILcdTimeBounds
      the boundedness of the end time.
    • getBeginTime

      public long getBeginTime()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdTimeBounds
      Returns the begin time of this ILcdTimeBounds. The long value is defined as in Date.getTime().

      This method should only be called if the corresponding boundedness is ILcdTimeBounds.Boundedness.BOUNDED. Otherwise, the return value of this method is undefined.

      Specified by:
      getBeginTime in interface ILcdTimeBounds
      the begin time of this ILcdTimeBounds.
    • getEndTime

      public long getEndTime()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdTimeBounds
      Returns the end time of this ILcdTimeBounds. The long value is defined as in Date.getTime().

      This method should only be called if the corresponding boundedness is ILcdTimeBounds.Boundedness.BOUNDED. Otherwise, the return value of this method is undefined.

      Specified by:
      getEndTime in interface ILcdTimeBounds
      the end time of this ILcdTimeBounds.
    • getBegin

      public XMLGregorianCalendar getBegin()
      the begin time, or null if the begin is not bounded.
    • getEnd

      public XMLGregorianCalendar getEnd()
      the end time, or null if the end is not bounded.