Class TLcdTracingAlgorithm

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdTracingAlgorithm extends Object implements ILcdTracingAlgorithm
Implementation of a tracing algorithm, based on the Dijkstra algorithm but adapted to work with complex edge value functions.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdTracingAlgorithm

      public TLcdTracingAlgorithm()
      Constructs a new TLcdTracingAlgorithm.
  • Method Details

    • getSuccessors

      public <N, E> void getSuccessors(ILcdGraph<N,E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N,E> aPrecedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N,E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdTracingResultHandler<N,E> aResultHandler, double aDistance)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdTracingAlgorithm
      Calculates all traces in the graph starting from the end node of aPrecedingRoute, within a given maximum range.
      Specified by:
      getSuccessors in interface ILcdTracingAlgorithm
      aGraph - the graph whose trace is to be calculated.
      aPrecedingRoute - the route whose successors are to be searched. Only the last n edges of the route will have an influence on the result, where n is equal to the order of the given ILcdEdgeValueFunction.
      aEdgeValueFunction - a function that returns values (distances) for edges.
      aResultHandler - the handler that accepts all found traces. See the specification of ILcdTracingResultHandlerfor more details.
      aDistance - the range wherein the trace should be constructed.
    • getPredecessors

      public <N, E> void getPredecessors(ILcdGraph<N,E> aGraph, ILcdRoute<N,E> aSucceedingRoute, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N,E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdTracingResultHandler<N,E> aResultHandler, double aDistance)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdTracingAlgorithm
      Calculates all traces in the graph leading to the start node of aSucceedingroute, within a given maximum range.
      Specified by:
      getPredecessors in interface ILcdTracingAlgorithm
      aGraph - the graph in which the trace is to be calculated.
      aSucceedingRoute - the route whose predecessors are to be searched. Only the first n edges of the route will have an influence on the result, where n is equal to the order of the given ILcdEdgeValueFunction.
      aEdgeValueFunction - a function that returns values (distances) for edges.
      aResultHandler - the handler that accepts all found traces. See the specification of ILcdTracingResultHandlerfor more details.
      aDistance - the range wherein the trace should be constructed.