Class TLcdPartitionedShortestRoutePreprocessor


public class TLcdPartitionedShortestRoutePreprocessor extends Object
Preprocesses partitioned graphs for the partitioned shortest route algorithm. The result of the preprocessing is an ILcdShortestRouteDistanceTableProvider, containing a set of TLcdShortestRouteDistanceTable (one for each partition).

Note that the preprocessing result is specific for the given ILcdPartitionedGraph and given ILcdEdgeValueFunction. Modifying the partitioning scheme or one or more of the edges/nodes contained in it, or modifying the edge value function requires a new preprocessing step. Otherwise, optimal routing results are not guaranteed anymore.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdPartitionedShortestRoutePreprocessor

      public TLcdPartitionedShortestRoutePreprocessor()
      Constructs a new TLcdPartitionedShortestRoutePreprocessor.
  • Method Details

    • preprocess

      public <N, E> void preprocess(ILcdPartitionedGraph<N,E> aGraph, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N,E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdDistanceFunction<N,E> aHeuristicDistanceFunction, ILcdEditableShortestRouteDistanceTableProvider<N,E> aDistanceTableProviderSFCT)
      Preprocesses the given partitioned graph. The computed distance tables are stored in the specified distance table provider. Only those partitions will be preprocessed for which no distance table is available yet.
      aGraph - the graph to be preprocessed.
      aEdgeValueFunction - the edge value function that will be used in the routing algorithm.
      aHeuristicDistanceFunction - a heuristic distance function - not required.
      aDistanceTableProviderSFCT - the distance table provider in which the computed distance tables should be stored.
      NullPointerException - if the given graph or edge value function is null.
    • preprocess

      public <N, E> ILcdShortestRouteDistanceTableProvider<N,E> preprocess(ILcdPartitionedGraph<N,E> aGraph, ILcdEdgeValueFunction<N,E> aEdgeValueFunction, ILcdDistanceFunction<N,E> aHeuristicDistanceFunction)
      Preprocesses the given partitioned graph, and returns the resulting ILcdShortestRouteDistanceTableProvider.
      aGraph - the graph to be preprocessed.
      aEdgeValueFunction - the edge value function that will be used in the routing algorithm.
      aHeuristicDistanceFunction - a heuristic distance function - not required.
      a distance table provider with distance tables for all partitions in the graph.
      NullPointerException - if the given graph or edge value function is null.