Interface ILcdResourceMetadata

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ILcdResourceMetadata
Generic resource metadata object.

Note: you should not need to implement this interface yourself. Instead, use TLcdISO19115Metadata.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a short description of the resource
    Returns the format (type) of the resource (for example JPEG, WMS, GeoTIFF..) The data format String is an easy means to identify a format.
    Returns a list of relevant keywords for the resource
    Returns the title of the resource
  • Method Details

    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Returns the title of the resource
      the title, or null if the title is not known
    • getAbstract

      String getAbstract()
      Returns a short description of the resource
      the abstract of the resource, or null if the abstract is now known
    • getKeywords

      List<String> getKeywords()
      Returns a list of relevant keywords for the resource
      a list of keywords. Can be empty, but not null.
    • getFormat

      String getFormat()
      Returns the format (type) of the resource (for example JPEG, WMS, GeoTIFF..) The data format String is an easy means to identify a format. It is not guaranteed to be unique, so additional checks may be necessary.
      the format, or null if the format is not known