Interface ILcdModelReferenceEncoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdCompositeModelReferenceEncoder, TLcdEPSGModelReferenceEncoder, TLcdModelReferenceEncoder, TLcdWKTModelReferenceEncoder

public interface ILcdModelReferenceEncoder
Encodes the ILcdModelReference that is associated with a data source.

Some formats do not include information about the coordinate system that is used in their data files. For these formats, an additional model reference file may be placed next to the data file, providing information about the coordinate system. ILcdModelEncoder implementations for these formats often allow to configure an ILcdModelReferenceEncoder on them, which is capable of encoding the model reference in a reference file, next to the data source.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    save(ILcdModelReference aModelReference, String aDataDestinationName)
    Saves the specified model reference to a location, next to the data destination.
  • Method Details

    • save

      void save(ILcdModelReference aModelReference, String aDataDestinationName) throws IOException
      Saves the specified model reference to a location, next to the data destination.
      aModelReference - the ILcdModelReference to be encoded.
      aDataDestinationName - the destination name of the model to which the specified model reference belongs.
      IOException - if the ILcdModelReference cannot be encoded.