Package com.luciad.lucy.util.context

package com.luciad.lucy.util.context

Contains context classes that, for instance, describe a domain object, its model, layer and view.

Regularly an object is meaningless without its context. For instance, a domain object representing a lon-lat point needs the model reference to define its location. This package provides the classes that combine the object with its context.

These classes are used, for instance, in conjunction with ILcyCustomizerPanel objects.

  • Classes
    This context object defines everything related to a domain object: the ILcdModel in which it is contained, and the ILcdLayer and the ILcdView in which it is displayed.
    This context object defines everything related to a layer, more specifically the ILcdView in which it is displayed.
    This context object defines everything related to an ILcdModel, more specifically the ILcdLayer and the ILcdView in which it is displayed.
    This context object defines everything related to an ILcdModelEncoder, more specifically it defines the ILcdModel it is about to encode.
    This context object defines everything related to the meta data of an ILcdModel.